Read more about the article 3 Ways Stockpile Measurements Help Mining And Quarry Companies
Top down aerial view of a mine in Punta Gorda, FL captured by Florida Aerial Survey Technologies. We provide timely, accurate, understandable data when it comes to stockpile measurements.

3 Ways Stockpile Measurements Help Mining And Quarry Companies

Mining and quarry companies can benefit immensely by using technology, specifically drone technology, to perform stockpile measurements. The data collected by drones is more accurate, more reliable, faster, and more…

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Read more about the article 3 Ways Measuring Stockpiles Help Asphalt Plants
Florida Aerial Survey Technologies (FAST) provides extremely accurate stockpile measurements to ensure your company knows how much inventory is on site. Here is an asphalt plant where FAST was measuring stockpiles using drones.

3 Ways Measuring Stockpiles Help Asphalt Plants

It wasn’t long ago that measuring asphalt and raw aggregate stockpiles required a small team of people. Many asphalt companies need to know the amount of raw material stockpiled on…

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Read more about the article How Topographic Maps Are Used
Whenever the earth and its terrain can be relevant to a project or activity, topographic maps come in handy.

How Topographic Maps Are Used

Before we describe how topographic maps are used, let’s define what a topographic map is. A topographic map is not your standard two-dimensional map. It's a 3D model that uses…

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Read more about the article How Can Drones Be Used for Topographic Mapping?
Topographic maps can be captured by drones using cutting edge survey and mapping techniques.

How Can Drones Be Used for Topographic Mapping?

Topographic Mapping with Drones In the past, creating topographic maps could be a laborious task before the advancement of computer technology in the 20th century, which revolutionized the process. Gone…

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Read more about the article How to Calculate Landfill Capacity with Drones
This landfill was on fire when Florida Aerial Survey Technologies surveyed it. We conducted a landfill capacity calculation survey on the dump without putting people in harms way.

How to Calculate Landfill Capacity with Drones

Drones can calculate landfill capacity How does that work? We take a deeper look at landfill measurement and landfill capacity calculations. Landfills have been measured for decades.The process of surveying…

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Read more about the article The History of Aerial Surveying: How it has evolved over time.
A drone conducts an aerial survey of a road work site in Florida

The History of Aerial Surveying: How it has evolved over time.

The History of Aerial Surveying and Mapping Aerial Surveying and Mapping is older than you think. Aerial surveying has played a central role in many construction and research industries for…

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Read more about the article How to measure stockpile inventory in construction
A stockpile sits on a road work project.

How to measure stockpile inventory in construction

How to measure stockpile inventory Measurement methods from the good to the bad to the ugly. As we have discussed in other articles, stockpile measurements help companies measure their inventory…

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